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The 2.0 Generation Panel Sizing Saw Blades, Now Up To 730 Mm!

Under the concept of "Cutting 2.0", numerous products have been subsumed at AKE since 2015 which – different to all other conventional types of tools – focus on a new and innovative mode of chipping. All these tools are characterised by an extremely efficient tool life and cutting quality. From 2016 this cutting principle has specifically been expanded in the field of panel sizing with the type 2.0024 saw blades. There has been a complete initial range of panel sizing circular saw blades since 2017. In 2020 AKE is now providing an even more extensive product range for the customers which includes - for the first time – diameters of up to 730 mm, optimised for sizing cuts.
Stefan Weckenmann, long-time application engineer at AKE and co-designer of the new panel sizing circular saw blade 2.0, presents the advantages of the large sizing cut saw blades:
What characterises the new 2.0 types?
Compared to conventional saw blades the panel sizing circular saw blades of the 2.0 generation are equipped with optimised chip spaces and the patented ChipBelt® – an area which is set off against the saw body and ensures the targeted removal of the arising chips.
Which are the significant advantages?
Due to the targeted removal of chips from the cutting edge, it can considerably reduce the tool-wearing multiple chipping, and this clearly increases the service life of the AKE circular saw blade. The direct comparison with conventional circular saw blades shows that an up 70 % longer tool life is achieved. The total costs are up to 35% lower. Based on a similar principle as is applied with the low-noise Supersilent saw blades, the noise while sawing is up to 50% lower.
Which versions and sizes are you currently offering?
AKE is offering an extensive complete range to the user. Depending on the case of application, users can purchase both finishes cut and the thin-kerf variants in popular sizes. In the field of sizing cuts, especially the large cutting heights are realised employing AKE saw blade diameters of up to 730 mm. This is how you achieve exceptionally high output in industrial parquet processing. For applications where a finish-cut quality requires a range of tools with diameters of 280 mm up to 520 mm is available.
And what will the future bring?
The AKE panel sizing programme is already Tapio-ready. In future, the items can thus be imported and processed in the ecosystem of Tapio via barcode. The focus of the trade is to an increasing extent on panel processing. Within this field of application, AKE will therefore carry on providing innovative products with the corresponding advantages.